We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, And know the place for the first time. ~T.S. Eliot Four Quartets

20 February 2007


Its Pancake Day here today, otherwise known as 'Shrove' Tuesday. This day was known to me as 'Fat Tuesday' in Chicago, and also Mardi Gras (as in New Orleans). I have to say I never really made pancakes on this day, mostly I didn't do much as I was usually working and it was just another day mentioned on the radio or something.

In Britain shrove has something to do with confessing your sins before the Lent season begins. Its been a long time since I've observed Lent (lets say childhood!!). The idea of pancakes was to use up the rich ingredients in the cupboard, like eggs, flour, butter etc. just before the fasting time. I love pancakes as does my son, so I can get with the program and make some, but its going to be with maple syrup..not lemon and sugar as is so popular here, sorry..
The lovely ladies in the photo are having a pancake race, which was a tradition in the town of Olney here in the uK since 1445!.

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