The children range in age from roughly 18 months to 3 years, at which time they can then go on to Steiner Kindergarten. Our group leader likes to describe Steiner education as 'old-fashioned' where the toys are simple, such as wooden, or from nature such as pine cones and conkers. The dolls are soft and stuffed with wool, so they are warm and soft to cuddle. Stories are told and songs are song, all following a rhythm of the day and season. It is gently repetitive, so the children learn and come to look forward to it. The Steiner philosophy in a nutshell is 'head, heart & hands', so all three are engaged in the education.
After a somewhat stressful weekend partly due to some planetary line-ups, I feel rather relaxed now. Today's herbal tea 'Love' could've had something to do with that, as I enjoyed three cupfuls, made from rosehips, lavender and chamomile.
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