We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, And know the place for the first time. ~T.S. Eliot Four Quartets

24 March 2008

No Talk Talk Talk Talk

Well I wish I could say that I've been on holiday, or that I've had a case of writers block or some other reasonable reason for not writing, but its been completely more frustrating than that. I have been without broadband since the 11th of March, the day we switched over to TalkTalk. Unlike the 20 minutes that the brochure says, we still haven't been connected. I'm writing from my mother in-laws. We received a faulty modem with our welcome package and its been downhill from there. We are now switching back to BT, and expensive, or at least, a unnessecarily frustrating mistake. The customer service we received from BT was above and beyond and I have to say I wish I'd have negotiated before just switching. Talk Talk have told lie after lie, with the first one being that they would courier a new modem to us, which we still haven't received yet. So there you have it, exiled from the internet due to my good intentions to save money!!! It may still be sometime before my next post, as we are still hoping for that elusive modem to arrive, as our switchback date is 11th of April. So dear readers, don't wander off, I will be back!!

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